Thursday, July 10, 2008

You Probably Shouldn't Ever Say Anything Over the Phone Again...

Yesterday, the Democratic-majority United States Senate (which shall henceforth be known as the Super Awesome Patriots for Liberty and Constitutionality Senate FOREVAR!!!!!!11) passed the controversial FISA bill, which will expand Federal wiretapping powers (read: no warrants required) and grant retroactive immunity to telecom companies that participated in illegal wiretapping under orders from the Bush Administration.

We here at PS try not to dilute our Science with too much politics, but this law definitely affects those of us who value the free transfer of information and communication, be it over phones or the Internet or whatever. I personally am horrified that so many Democratic Senators (aka spineless coward bitches), including one particularly hope-infused Senator, voted in favor of this unconstitutional bullshit while George Bush cackles maniacally in the background.

My advice to anyone scared of being snooped on? Pull a Gene Hackman, a la Enemy of the State, and surround your private quarters in a giant mesh Faraday Cage. Even if it won't block direct wiretaps set up by service providers, it still would be really cool.

"I told you they were listening."

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