Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy 1234567890 Day!

Jason uses UNIX.

"Happy [Science-related-topic] Day" posts seem to be a recurring theme on PS lately, huh? You better get used to it, because every day is Science-related in some way! Today is kind of a big deal, because in addition to it being Friday the 13th, it is also 1234567890. Or at least it is if you are a UNIX based computing system or a giant fucking nerd. According to the UNIX system of reckoning time and date, today at 3:31:30 PM, UNIX time will read, yes that's right, 1234567890! Cool, I guess? If you care, here is a link explaining how to express time as a numeric string, a la UNIX time.

Oh also, yesterday also happened to be Abe Lincoln's 200th bday. Cool dudes' birthdays abound!

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