Friday, June 26, 2009

A Gentlemans' Wager Part II: The Plot Thickens

European scientists have detected salt particles within giant geysers blasting from Saturn's moon Enceladus. This could be evidence of a subterranean ocean beneath the moon's crust, and could satisfy one of the three "secret ingredients" of life, liquid water. Previous studies have shown that Enceladus already had the two other ingredients, an energy source (tidal warming), and organic chemicals.

Do Saturnian micro-lifeforms exist? Will they start a Twitter account? Will Peter buy Kyle an expensive dinner and spend the rest of his life in enduring shame? THE SUSPENSE!!!!

1 comment:

Guster said...

your my boy Saturn! i always new you were an excellent source of Helium-3 for fusion drives, and now your moons may bring me some delicious food. Boosh!