Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Science Conference is Not Democratic, or We Are So Smart S-M-R-T

I awoke this morning from beautiful dreams of ligand-gated ion channels and protein synthesis and crawled over two nude females to grab my iPod touch to check my email. Here's what I found:

"Dear Brainpiece,

Here are the links to tune in and watch streaming video of the Innovation 2008 conference this Monday and Tuesday:

The link for Monday is:

The link for Tuesday is:

You can also chat as part of this feature. We only have 200 online seats reserved, so if busy, try again shortly."

Nobody better better check these links because I want to watch this shit, and there's no way that the meager 200 online seats won't be taken up immediately. I find it reassuring to know that science politics does its part in edifying the ivory tower. For all you concerned plebes out there, however, I'd give you a courtesy card, and say, "There there, you probably wouldn't understand what a group of scientists has tried to make mainstream for the past 20 months anyway," but its clear that even courtesy cards are really too good for you. Go read a book.


el Jefe said...

ivory tower gettin pretty high there... but you're right, i don't understand in lame-man's terms. so i got a book.

Bulltrout said...

what good is an ivory tower, really, if it's not tall as it can possibly be?