Monday, November 3, 2008

Oh There is an Election or Something Happening.

Praise Science's endorsement for the 2008 Election

Wha??! There is an election tomorrow? We had no idea! HAHA JUST KIDDING, it's impossible to look at a single Internet these days without being stabbed in the eye by at least a hundred ALL CAPS comments from semi-literate AOL users re: B. HUSSEIN NOBAMA or having your soul swept away by the torrent of stories about evil cyborg voting machines that feed on poor people's ballots and are hellbent on taking over America/humanity in general. Anyways, here's some Science stuff related to this whole unfortunate disaster:

A couple of U.S. astronauts aboard the ISS get to send their votes across the dark void to participate in what used to be a completely earthbound activity. That is neat. Too bad no President will ever again have the balls to give NASA the funding it needs to actually accomplish anything greater than what it already did in the 60s/70s. That is unless one of these tickets runs next election.

Also, one thousand liberal Internet "news magazines", such as 'Slate', think that this gal from Alaska, Sarah Palin, will wage Christian anti-Jihad against Science, forever, if elected. That would make godless bloggers like us very sad.

Ugh, is anyone else ready for this nonsense to be over?

1 comment:

Brainpiece.1000101 said...

I'm so ready. Hail Palin!! Brains.