Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Praise Science Update: Post-Memorial-Day-Weekend Life Reconstruction

Artist's rendition of what your PS writers were doing over the weekend.

My Science, what a weekend. It's been pretty quiet on PS for a few days now, but there is a reason for that. Over the long weekend I traveled back to Washington to compete in the ridiculously awesome Ski to Sea race with fellow PS writer Aaron (ACSlater) and others. During a brief stop over in Seattle, we had a short beer/tear-filled reunion with Peter N (PeterNov) and later on with Kyle (Guster). Even though the Internet fulfills all of our social requirements, it was still nice to see some of my comrades-in-Science face to face again. Also, I heard that Manuel (MV) and a bunch of other people including Kyle had a wonderful time camping near Chelan. So, in conclusion, we were all too busy/drunk to post anything. Get over it.

To make up for it, here is some exciting new Mars-related news. The Phoenix Mars Lander landed safely on Sunday without asploding, which is awesome news. NASA's page for the mission, with what appears to be fairly regular updates, is here. Also, in response to an article written in March, a U.S. soldier says that he, and others like him are prime candidates for possible future one-way missions to Mars. I like where his head is at.

1 comment:

PeterNov said...

By the way, there is a great picture of the descending Phoenix Lander caught by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.