Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Solstice!

Unless you were inside all day constantly checking PS for new updates (which sadly never came), you probably already knew that Saturday was the Summer Solstice and longest day of the year. If you're interested in the astrophysical details and history, the Wikipedia entry for 'summer solstice' is here.

I celebrated the Solstice by floating the Owens River in an inner tube and drinking 100 beers. The Sun performed spectacularly on its big day and destroyed all approaching thunder clouds as they descended from the mountains, allowing me to fully bask in all of its glory. Did anyone else do anything fun/special to celebrate this most illuminated of all days?

If you are thinking "DOOD, THE SULTIS IS JUST A DUM PAGGEN WICKA ORGY SACRISHUL BS RELIJUS THING", I say fuck y'all. Many important and impressive neolithic/pre-columbian/etc. Scientific achievements revolved around the Solstice and its historical religous/ceremonial significance. Some major examples of this include Stonehenge and Mayan systems of astronomy and math. So if you are the kind of person who Praises Science, the Solstice is definitely a day worthy of sharing some of this praise.


Unknown said...

I saw naked bike riders at the Fremont Solstice Parade in Fremont. Every body is beautiful in its own way, but old, unpainted, naked dude standing by the shish-kabob stand is NOT beautiful...but I love the solstice anyways

Manuel Valdes said...

I was hungover.