Tuesday, June 10, 2008

While epistemology is probably a word more commonly found in philosophical circles, it is an important concept for anyone who loves/does/hates science. Epistemology, or the study of how we translate observable experience into knowledge, is the bedrock concept that allows all forms of explanatory narratives to function. I recently spent some time in the library reading Albert Einstein’s autobiographical notes (which I highly recommend to anyone interested in… actually just anyone. It was like weight lifting for my brain, which is consequently tired and doing a poor job of writing this post. And I’m hung-over and hungry. Back to the blog.) I recently spent some time reading Albert Einstein’s autobiographical notes and was interested to discover how integral his studies and beliefs about epistemology were in helping him form his theory of relativity. I figure if we here at Praise Science are truly serious about science (which I think we are) a little research and thought into various theories of epistemology would do us wonders in our efforts to love/do/hate Science. Who knows, maybe we will create a new special theory of beerativity!

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1 comment:

Bulltrout said...

if PS counted as a peer reviewed journal, the special beerativity would totally receive my endorsement as a legitimate scientific theory within the community